(Transelation comments\credits at bottom.) Mercedes-Benz Truck Racing ========================== Copyright by SYNETIC and THQ Developed by SYNETIC Published by THQ Mercedes-Benz is a registered trademark of DaimlerChrysler AG July 8th, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------- Index 1) System requirements 2) Graphic Card Setup 3) Control Setup 4) Problems & Solutions 5) Demo Status and Admitted Problems ------------------------------------------------------------- 1) System Requirements It can come to difficulties, if you do not use the newest drivers of the manufacturer of your 3D graphics card. These problems, which occur, if you do not use the newest drivers, are enough from easy graphic disturbances to complete play crashes. We recommend basically to use the reference drivers of the chip manufacturers! Windows 95\98 Compatible System Pentium 333mhz 64mb Ram (128 recommended 6x CD Rom Direct-X 7 16mb video card [3d acceleration required?] Direct sound Compadable sound card Mouse Keyboard Supported: 100% MS Windows 95/98 compatible joysticks, usual Joysticks and steering wheels, among other things. Thrustmaster steering wheels. Tested 3D Cards: nVidia TNT, TNT2, GeForce, GeForce2 Matrox G400 ATI Rage 128, Rage Pro 3Dfx Voodoo3 [other cards might run... but some still need adjustments.] ------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Graphic Card Setup If you start Mercedes Benz Truck Racing for the first time, receive a setup display. Select your 3d card from the list. The setup configures your 3d card in such a way that Mercedes Benz Truck Racing runs under optimal adjustments! If you should not find your 3D card on the list, then activate the checkmark with "Generic Direct 3D". !!!!!WARNING!!!!! The next options are for newer 3d cards only. We do not ask to change you these options, since this can lead to crashes in the play. !!!!!WARNING!!!!! If you should have Direct-X 7 compatible no sound card or your sound card not be, then you must on remove the checkmark before "SoundFX". After you selected your configuration, click simply on play (spielen) and Mercedes Benz Truck Racing is started. ------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Control Setup Defaults F1: View Change F2: Distance Display Option F4: Names (on\off) F5: Control Device Switch F6: Automatic\Manual Gears F8: Display (on\off) F9: Auto-Reverse (on\off) SHIFT: Shift Up CTRL: Shift Down SPACE: Look Behind F: Display FPS H: Horn R: Reset The standard mapping can be modified in options. ------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Problems & Solutions If you do not have for your 3D Card's most current drivers, then it can come to graphic errors when playing MBTR. In the following you find a list with WWW addresses, of which you can download the newest drivers. If problems occur after installing new drivers, contact the card manufacturer for help. Manufacturer WWW Site ----------------------------------------------------------- 3DFX www.3dfx.com nVidia www.nvidia.com ATI Technologies www.atitech.com Creative Labs www.creaf.com Diamond Multimedia www.diamondmm.com Elsa www.elsa.com Guillemot www.guillemot.com Matrox www.matrox.com If you attached several Joysticks, e.g. one at the Gameport, another one in the USB port, then they must take out one of the two, in order to be able to play with the other one. If you still have problems visit our website at www.mbtr.de to recieve the latest information. ------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Demo Status and Admitted Problems A demo is naturally still no full version, therefore here or other features are still missing and problems can occur, which are to be fixed in the full version. If such errors should be noticeable to you, then we would be naturally very grateful for feedback. Also over general opinions to the play, which pleases you or also which rather, does not interest us very much. Contact us for support at: demo@mbtr.de >Graphic Problems The white start\finish line... occurs on voodoo 3 cards, possiably a driver problem. With "alpha textures" turned on the trees at the edge of forest has blue edges... it exist here, still another problem during the assortment. In the Replay, GeForce cards have graphic errors... this problem emerges as soon as the foreground displays are illustrated. The Trucks probably did not increase or white textures in such a way... You to have the range of vision that simply no sufficient diagram card memory is available more. Reduce the range of vision. If the Trucks has only white textures, then they probably activated the reflections in the Setup on a Voodoo 3 card. >Collision Problems Some times durring collisions the truck could merge with another truck (truck models overlaping) or the cab goes under the ground... This is one of the areas we are working on. Basicly what we are saying is that the collsions in this version are not 100% complete. Errors will take plcae but they are not critical. >Sound Problems Some sounds are still in the beta stage and will be different in the full version... >Other Problems The relative importance of the spectators are correct... not always a perspective problem. If they were represented in correct relation, then they would be not recognizable from the roadway. Features not included in the demo: ---------------------------------- -Network (IPX and TCP/IP LAN) -Force feedback -Damage model and defect system -flying a flag and rule customer with time-met [to do with black flags I think] -cockpit view -animations -correct rear view mirror -different weather modes -dynamic difficulty level -open running mode (up to 250 km/h faster) -arrow system -brake assistant and other driving assistance -different running modes (like time training, Qualifying, warmly UP, free training, Ghost modes, championship...) -and much much more... ------------------------------------------------------------- Again please don't write us your personal opinion. If you write please write about technical problems. We will try in any case answer each letter, we ask for your patience. Or simply use our forum at http://www.thq.de/ext/mbtr de/index.cgi Much fun with Mercedes Benz Truck Racing!! Synetic ------------------------------------------------------------- Translated by DjFIL (djfil@home.com) Translated with Altavista Babelfish (babel.altavista.com) My appologies with any confusion with my translation. Some areas had to be modified cause they were totaly unreadable. Hopefuly this will answer a few questions and let you enjoy the game more. And no need for thanks... I wanted to know what that thing read and I decided to make a copy of it at the same time. But you are welcome... DjFIL