readme.txt file for (hug_heat.exe) BHMS - NASCAR Heat - Detached Garage This program allows you to view, edit, compare, and export NASCAR Heat setups. It has screen space to display two setups "side-by-side" and a comparison area in the middle to quickly point out areas where the setups are different. This program was written using Microsoft Visual Studio and J++. An up to date java virtual machine is required to run the hug_heat.exe file. If you attempt to run it with an older java virtual machine, you will get an error message stating that you must upgrade your virtual machine. For more info and to download the latest java virtual machine for your system, see This program requires NASCAR Heat (by HASBRO Interactive) to be installed. This program looks to the Windows System Registry to get the install directory for NASCAR Heat. This program requires a 1024 by 768 windows desktop to display the full width of the side-by-side comparison of two setups. Smaller desktops will have information chopped off and you will not be able to scroll to see it. This is a single file program. You can install it anywhere. If you install it in your c:\windows\desktop directory, it will automatically appear on your windows desktop. If you install it anywhere else, you might want to create a shortcut to help you run the program from the desktop. DISTRIBUTION This program is a BHMS exclusive. It will be distributed via the website at Look in the NASCAR Heat section under utilities. COPYRIGHT This program is (c) Copyright 2000 by Robert Huggins. You may use the program as-is for your private, non-commercial purposes. LICENSE Robert Huggins grants you a non-exclusive license to use the Software free of charge for private, non-commercial purposes. SUPPORT If you are using the Software free of charge under the terms of this Agreement, you are not entitled to hard-copy documentation, support, or telephone assistance. I suggest you post any support issues to the nh.discussion newsgroup at and hopefully some knowledgeable member of the sim-racing community can help you. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY Free of charge Software is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Software is borne by you. Should the Software prove defective, you and not Robert Huggins assume the entire cost of any service and repair. Specifically, you and not Robert Huggins assume the risk that this software might one day start destroying your setups. This software may have inherent limitations. You must determine that the Software sufficiently meets your requirements. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW EXCLUSIONS OF AN IMPLIED WARRANTY, SO THIS DISCLAIMER MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU AND YOU MAY HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS THAT VARY BY JURISDICTION. REVISIONS: 1.0 8/22/2000 Internal alpha reviewed by various BHMS members. 2.0 9/02/2000 Public Beta made available on BHMS web site (Labeled as version 1.0 in some places) 2.1 9/05/2000 Public Beta with the following bug fixes. There was really no intention of allowing a "save-as" feature. In fact, the comboboxes for the track and setup were not supposed to allow the user to click on them and allow editing of the track name and setup name. This use case was never a design point, nor was it tested. If it had been tested, it would have failed. Version 2.1 added this capability of clicking on the setup name, changing it, and then clicking save to save the currentley edited setup under this new setup name. We decided not to allow saving setups from one track to another track. We also suggest that you do not copy setups from one track folder to another since there are some track specific fields in the .gar file. These track specific fields might or might not be used in the current or future patched versions of the game.