NASCAR® Racing 4 PATCH README 04/23/01 [ To read this file, select Edit/Word Wrap from the menu above ] TABLE OF CONTENTS [1] WHAT THE PATCH FIXES [2] HOW TO INSTALL THE PATCH [3] ADDITIONAL INFORMATION [4] CONTACTING SIERRA ************************************ NOTE: The 1.1.x.x version of NASCAR® Racing 4 is not multiplayer compatible with previously released versions. As a client you will only be able to see and join 1.1.x.x servers, and similarly as a host only 1.1.x.x clients will be able to see and join your server. ************************************ [1] WHAT THE PATCH FIXES ==================================== AI: * Fixed bug which sometimes caused the pace car to appear on the outside pole at the start of a race. * Fixed bug which could cause some AI cars at Richmond to collide when entering and exiting their pit stalls. * AI cars will now obey the stop sign at the end of pit road. * Pace car no longer takes an extra pace lap at Martinsville at the start of the race. This was a problem only if the abbreviated pace lap was selected. * Adjusted AI speed at Dover to be more realistic. * Fixed bug which caused AI to call for a tow during Practice/Warmup sessions. * AI who run out of fuel will now get out of the racing line when limping back to the pits. * AI who run out of fuel will be able to re-fire their engines after receiving pit service. * Fixed problems with AI pitting on Gilligan's Island at Sears Point. * Fixed rogue pace car 'hot-lapping' around track. * AI are now able to sort themselves into the proper pacing order more quickly. * Improved pacing and restart behavior. * Improved accident avoidance behavior. * Improved merge to pits behavior. * Improved three wide passing behavior. CAMERAS: * Fixed a problem with one of the TV2 cameras at Darlington. CAR SETUPS: * Changed Daytona "Fast" setup to be easier to drive. CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON: * Fixed bug on Championship Season screen which caused a "Save Changes?" box to appear even if no changes were made. * Fixed bug which caused the polesitter from the first race of a championship season to be given credit for the pole for all the remaining races of that season. CONTROLS * Improved driving controls for keyboard and digital gamepad users. MULTIPLAYER: * Fixed bug in which clicking "Create New ID" (for wouldn't gray out the other fields on the pop-up box. * Made rejection message (when trying to connect to a race in progress) more descriptive. * Made firewall message (when trying to host a race behind a shared Internet connection) more descriptive. * Players list on screen no longer scrolls uncontrollably. * Changed chat colors to be consistent between in-car and out-of-car modes. * Fixed bug which could cause systems with multiple TCP/IP devices to be unable to connect to * Fixed bug which prevented clients from joining races that were hosted behind a router. * Enlarged the size of the Profile box to prevent ratings information from spilling off the side when pressing Shift+Ctrl * Changed points thresholds for gaining/losing ratings levels on Also made incident points count as a global -3 per incident regardless of level. * It is now possible to set the wind speed for dedicated servers using the command line. * Fixed bug which prevented clients from receiving pit service after reconnecting to a server. * Added chat filter. * Fixed a bug which could cause client's car to warp when sending a chat message. * Changed game to display User ID instead of player name. * Added ability to disable display of client connection and disconnection chat messages. * In ratings enabled races, incidents will now be properly assessed when yellow flags have been disabled. * Fixed bug which could cause TCP/IP devices to be duplicated in the dialog's "Connect Via" list. * Clients now only need to meet the rating restrictions for the currently loaded track. * Fixed bug which could cause qualifying standings to be lost when the host advanced to the Warmup session. * If the Warmup time is set to zero, server will skip directly from Qualifying to Race. * The race over timeout can now be set using the auto_leave_timeout setting. * Added !show_password, !set_password, and !clear_password admin commands. * Fixed the "2 minute" latency spike some users were experiencing during races. PAINT SHOP: * Fixed bug which would cause the game to crash if the user dragged a filled shape across the entire car template. * Fixed bug which allowed activation of widgets "through" Paint Shop options boxes; i.e. clicking on the Paint Shop option also triggered the widget underneath it. * Fixed bug which allowed italicized text falling outside the boundaries of the text frame to be "cut off" when applied to the car. * Fixed bug which caused strange behavior when using the "/" key in the text tool. * Added support for importing compressed .TGA files. PHYSICS: * Fixed bug which caused engine to stall with Automatic Clutch enabled. * Changed oil cooling to decrease number of blown engines during 2nd lap of qualifying. * 'Wallriding' is no longer advantageous. * Changed damage sensitivity and aerodynamic penalty. PITTING: * If towed to pits with "fatal" damage, crew no longer attempts to service the car. * If stopping in pit stall with "fatal" engine damage, the crew will no longer attempt to fix it. * Changed end of pit stop timing to correspond to jack man's signal. Should make pit stops slightly faster on average. * Fixed strange behavior exhibited by the animated pit crew if the player saves a replay during servicing. * Fixed bug which could cause the player to be permanently held in his pit stall upon serving a penalty for entering the pits unsafely. * Fixed bug which could cause the player to be incorrectly penalized for entering the pits unsafely. * Fixed bug which was causing player to be penalized for entering a closed pit when being towed under a green flag to yellow flag transition. * Fixed tow time calculation error which could cause tow times to be too short. RACE CONTROL: * Fixed race control bug when determining whether or not a given car is on the lead lap. * Fixed bug which could cause car(s) to be penalized for passing the pace car or passing under yellow during an abbreviated pace lap at Martinsville. * Changed race control so that in the event a player both passes the pace car AND passes under yellow, only the greater of the two penalties (in terms of time) is assessed. * Changed per-infraction premium for multiple penalties from 40 to 15 seconds. RENDERER: * It is now possible to launch a dedicated server minimized. * Added GDI renderer for dedicated servers (no longer requires a D3D capable card). SPOTTER / CREW CHIEF: * Added "Stay behind the leader of the other pacing line" message. * Fixed erroneous "We're not on the lead lap - we can't pit this time by" message for lead-lap cars pitting on the back pits at Bristol. * Fixed erroneous "We're not on the lead lap - we can't pit this time by" message for cars that were on the lead lap. * Players are now more clearly informed that they have been sent to the end of the longest line and where they need to be in the pacing order. * Fixed a bug which could cause spotter to call out the checkered flag a lap early for cars at the tail end of the lead lap. * Fixed a bug which could cause incomplete messages on some sound cards. USER INTERFACE: * Fixed bug which sometimes caused the Player Records table to not scroll properly. * Added OK/Cancel buttons to Track Notes and Setup Notes boxes. * Fixed bug which was causing some penalties to be excluded from penalty summary on the exported standings report. * Fixed bug which sometimes caused 44 cars to appear on the replay standings display. * Switching cars on the Player Info and Opponent Manager screens is now much faster than before. * Fixed bug which could cause penalties from a previous race to appear on exported race standings report. * Added car numbers to the replay's driver selection. * Allowed the garage's track notes to be accessed during fixed setup races. * Fixed bug in Opponent Manager which prompted to save driver after ratings were viewed even if no changes were made. [2] HOW TO INSTALL THE PATCH ==================================== 1. Run the saved patch executable. 2. The patch should automatically detect your NASCAR® Racing 4 installation directory and then begin the patching process. * Note that if you have modified any of the game's files using 3rd party utilities, it may be necessary to reinstall the game before the patch can successfully complete its installation. [3] ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ==================================== NO SOUND IN GAME If you have no sound in game, it may be necessary to go to the Audio tab of your Windows Multimedia Control Panel and select the proper playback device. You may also want to disable the "Use only preferred devices" option if it is currently enabled. USING MICROSOFT GAME VOICE OR OTHER VOICE CHAT PROGRAMS By default NASCAR® Racing 4 will run at highest priority. This is perfectly fine for most users, if you experience problems trying to use Microsoft's Game Voice or other similar voice chat programs you may need to force NASCAR® Racing 4 to run at a lower priority by adding a "-kh0" (that's dash K H Zero) command line parameter to the shortcut: "C:\Papyrus\NASCAR Racing 4\NASCAR Racing 4.exe" -kh0 CONNECTING TO SIERRA.COM RACES If you are receiving "Connection Time-Out" messages when attempting to connect to multiplayer races or see no ping times displayed for any of these races you may need to select a different TCP/IP device in the "Connect Via:" drop-down list in the login box. Note that if you have a dynamic IP address it may first be necessary to enable the "Find Network Addresses Another Way" option using the CONFIGURE button at the bottom of the main multiplayer screen before the proper TCP/IP device will be listed. DISABLING USER CONNECTION AND DISCONNECTION MESSAGES By default in multiplayer races you will receive chat messages when other players connect and disconnect. These messages can be distracting to some users, so it is now possible to disable them by editing the following line in your PLAYER.INI (located in your Players\Player__Name directory), changing the 1 to a 0: [Misc] showJoinLeave=1 SERVER RACE OVER TIMER After the checkered flag, the race will wait for three minutes before advancing to the next track the loop or returning to the setup screen. This allows players to chat after the race or to save the replay. If you wish to change this amount of time you may edit the auto_leave_timeout line the [SERVER] section of the PLAYER.INI (note that this value is seconds). ADDING AI OPPONENTS TO A MULTIPLAYER RACE You may only have up to 42 connections to a multiplayer server for both human and AI opponents. In order to allow the addition of AI opponents to the server, you must first reduce the number of allowed TCP/IP or IPX connections to less than 42 human opponents. Once this is done you will be able to fill out the field with AI opponents. ADDITIONAL REMOTE SERVER ADMINISTRATION COMMANDS Server administrators now have several additional chat commands which they may use to control their server: !do_not_auto_start_next_race - Temporarily overrides a server running a series of looped races allowing you to exit back to the track setup screen and select a new track and/or race options (note that the server will resume the previous loop at the completion of the race using the newly selected race options). !show_password - Returns the server's current access and boss passwords. !set_password - Used to change the server's current access and/or boss passwords. For example, the chat command "!set_password new_access_pwd/new_boss_pwd" would change the access password for clients to be "new_access_pwd" and the boss password would be changed to "new_boss_pwd". This has no affect on clients and bosses currently connected to the server, but if they were to disconnect and reconnect they would need to know the updated password(s). !clear_password - Removes the server's current access and boss passwords. !shutdown -Shuts down the server. !list_commands - Returns a complete list of administration commands. SIERRA.COM RATINGS SYSTEM Note that although we currently have no plans to change any of this, it is all subject to change without notice. Higher ratings are better. 10 is the highest rating, and 0 is the lowest. When you create a new user ID, the ratings for that ID will all be 0. Your current ratings appear in the "RATINGS" box on the "Available Races" multiplayer screen. You have separate ratings for each of four track types. RC = road course (Watkins Glen and Sears Point) ST = short track (Bristol, Martinsville and Richmond) SS = super speedway (Daytona and Talladega) SW = speedway (currently, all other tracks) A race server will update the ratings database if all of the following conditions are met: - The race has rating restrictions in effect for the track type being run. - At least four players started the race (this does not include AI drivers). - The race winner completes enough laps to account for at least 10 minutes of racing at a "normal" lap speed at this track. Generally, 10% races will qualify. Once the race is complete, each driver that started the race will be assigned points for this race as follows... - You gain points for each driver you finish ahead of. You gain more points if your current rating is lower than the other driver, and fewer points if your rating is higher than the other driver (within limits). For example if your rating is a 3, and you finish ahead of a driver with a rating of 5, you gain more points for beating them than they would gain if they beat you. - You lose points for each driver you finish behind. You lose more points if your current rating is higher than the other driver, and fewer points if your rating is lower than the other driver (within limits). - You lose points if you are involved in an incident. An incident is defined as any situation that would cause a yellow flag, whether or not yellow flags are currently enabled. No attempt is made to determine who was the "instigator" and who was a "victim." Note that this (generally) means that drivers that finished well will receive positive point totals, and drivers that finished farther back in the pack will receive negative point totals. We then look at your points total for this race and your previous 9 races at this type of track(*). Your lowest 2 point total races are dropped, and the point totals from the remaining 8 races are averaged. If the average is greater than some limit (a positive number), your rating for this type of track is increased by 1, and your race point total history for this type of track is reset to 0. If the average is less than some limit (a negative number), your rating for this type of track is decreased by 1, and your race point total history for this type of track is reset to 0. The limit point at which your rating will increase gets higher as your rating gets higher, making it harder to increase your rating as your rating increases. That is, it's much easier to go from a 0 rating to a 1 rating than it is to go from a 9 to a 10. The limit point at which your rating will decrease gets smaller (in magnitude, but numerically higher since it's a negative number) as your rating gets higher, making it easier to lose a rating level as your rating increases. That is, it's much easier to drop from a 10 to a 9 than it is to drop from a 1 to a 0. Something you would do well to note: - Provided all the conditions above are met, your rating will be updated even if you don't finish the race! If you get caught up in some turn one shenanigans and quit the race in frustration, your rating will suffer the consequences. If you care about your rating, you have a couple options: (a) check out the competition during practice and warmup. If it seems like there are a lot of yahoos out there, disconnect from the server and go find another race. If you don't get into your car during the race session, your rating won't be updated. (b) Take it easy on the first lap! If you drive aggressively into turn one and leave yourself no margin for error (yours or someone elses), you are much more likely to come out a loser than a hero. (c) If you do get taken out early in the race, keep driving! You probably won't win the race, but many people will ignore this advice and just quit (you know the type - incidents are ALWAYS someone elses fault, and they constantly spew profanity). Finish the race and drive their rating down! (*) You can view your points histories by clicking on your own ID in the "PLAYERS", "INVITE" or "MUZZLE" lists, hitting the "P" (profile) button, and then holding down the left-shift and left-control keys while the PROFILE dialog box is displayed. The number between () is your current rating at the track type, and the numbers between [] are your point totals for your last 9 races. The other numbers are RR=races run, RC=races completed, LA=laps available in those races, LC=laps completed, and IC=incident count. Your LPI (laps per incident) rating is LC divided by IC. ADDITIONAL MULTIPLAYER FROM BEHIND A ROUTER OR FIREWALL NOTES If you have a router or firewall and would like to allow multiple users on your LAN to connect to the same multiplayer server, you will need to have each of the clients behind the router use a different net_server_port in their CORE.INI files (one client would make no changes and use the default port, while each of the others would need to specify a unique net_server_port). Additionally if you are hosting a server from behind the router by forwarding the default UDP port range to the LAN IP of the server, no clients on your LAN will be able to connect to multiplayer races since all of the incoming packets would be forwarded to your server. If you want to allow these clients to connect to races while your server is running, it would be necessary to forward and configure the server to use a non-standard UDP port range (see readme.txt for details). 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