First go to and download DatX by Nigel Pattinson. Next, go to and download Winmip 2 beta.
I recommend you also download Paint Shop Pro from and download the Evaluation version of Paint Shop Pro. It's free so don't worry. Follow the included instructions that come with the *.zip files to correctly install the DatX, Winmip 2, and Paintshop Pro. After you install all of the files you need to open Winmip2. Once it is running, go up to Extras located on the task bar on the top. Click on it and go down to Nascar 4 Car Editor. Click on that and you will be prompted to look for a *.car file. These will usually be found in the following location: C:\Papyrus\NASCAR Racing 4 Demo\series\cup2000\cars Open the car of your choice to edit. Although I suggest you to copy a fictional car and rename it to somthing you would remember. Example: Take and copy it. Paste it in the same folder. Then it should now say Copy of rename this to somthing easy to remember. Like or Be creative. Next use the Nascar 4 Car Editor in Winmip 2 to open the car. (When it prompts you to browse for the car go to C:\Papyrus\NASCAR Racing 4 Demo\series\cup2000\cars or somthing similar to that and double click the car you want to edit. (Like A window will pop up and it will show a paint scheme of the car you just clicked to edit. At the bottom of the new window there is a button that says EXPORT CAR TEXTURE.
Click that and it will export it to your cars folder in your Nascar 4 demo directory. Now open the bitmap file (somthing like mycar.bmp) with Paint Shop Pro. Now there is a paintable picture of your car. Paint the car to whatever your hearts desire is Be creative. Make your own car or your favorite drivers car. When your done go to FILE and SAVE AS. Save the file as somthing like mycar.bmp in your cars folder. Go back to Winmip 2 and go back to N4 Car Editor. Double click the car you want to edit again. This time the same paint scheme will show. Click the button that says IMPORT CAR TEXTURE. Browse for the file you just painted. (mycar.bmp) It will load the car and your car you painted should appear over the old paint scheme. Voila!
Click Exit and your car should be in Nascar 4. Once in the Demo, go to Player Info and choose your car by clicking the pull down menu. Your car should be in the list listed as mycar or somthing to that effect. When youclick that car your car will appear. You have just successfully made a car for nascar 4.
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