It is a little bit of a process to set this up but once its done it is super easy to run!
First go to and download the latest version of Kali which is 1.99c. While there, register it. After downloading and installing the first time you run it, it will give you a message saying you haven't finished your information. This is where you put in your nickname and all that stuff and is also where you put in your registration numbers. (Dont lose those numbers incase you lose the program for any reason!!) The next thing you will get is a message saying "you have installed a new .dll, would you like to search for new games?". Say yes and it will search your hard drive for ALL the games you have that it supports. IT WILL NOT FIND N3! It has to be added manually which I will explain later.
1. This will be the 1st screen you will see. Click one time on "Chat Server Folder " in the left window pane one time.

2. After clicking on the Chat Servers Folder a list of servers will show up in the main window pane. Find the "-->Racing" server, Highlite it and Right click on it.

3. In the Menu you get from right clicking on the server choose "Change Server List" Then Click "Set As Default". (You can also do the same thng again and choose it as preffered also, this will put it in the preffered list)

4. Next click "file" from the top menu then Choose "settings", go to the "Advanced" tab. In the Advanced tab check the box that says "Auto connect to server at startup", then Click OK. What this will do is next time you start Kali it will take you rite into the server chat area without lifting a finger :-) Now restart Kali when finished with this Phase.

Once kali has restarted it will put you in the"-->Racing" chat arena if you did everything correct. you can navigate by using the folders you see on the left or by using "view" from the drop down menus.
5. Starting on the left side of the screen, the very top line which says "Kali II Connected to-->racing". Clicking this will get you back to the chat arena.
6. Again on the left window Double click on "Game Resources" then Right click on "my Games" and choose "Add Custom".

7. In this screen is were you setup Nascar 3. In the Game window tpe in "Nascar 3" just like I typed it.
8. browse for the Nascar 3 EXE file.
9. click on Change and browse for the Nascar 3 EXE again. This will set the Icon (its needed for some stupid reason? lol) Then Click OK.

10. To view and join Games click on the "Games Lobbies" folder on the left, and in the main window it will list ALL games posted on Kali. Double clcik on the game you want to join!

This KALI server understands the following commands:
- file://help - display this message
- file://nickkick - kick user by nickname
- file://kick - kick user by serial#
- file://nickop - set user's op level
- file://op - set user's op level
- file://nickban - ban user by nickname
- file://ban - ban user by serial#
- file://nickunban - unbann user by nickname
- file://unban - unban user by serial#
- file://msg - send popup message to user
- file://broadcast - send popup message to everyone
- file://setmotd - change MOTD
- file://games - show supported games
- file://gameids - show list of game ids
- ile://rooms - show room/channel list
- ile://addroom - add room/channel
- file://delroom - remove room/channel
- file://addgameid - add gameid to support
- file://addgame - add game to support
- file://delgame - remove support for game
- file://realname - set server's realname
- file://email - set server's email
- file://location - set location of server
- file://regonly - only registered users