GPL WG - N2 CONVERTER [DEMO] - This WIN95 program will convert the production GPL Watkins Glen to N2. [Dave Noonan]
WINMIP - Do you want to paint your own car? This utility unpacks the DAT file and lets you get the files that you need to paint the car. [Klaus Horbrand]
CD PATCH - European version of GPL requires the CD even though you have a full install. Well, not anymore.
OPENGL PATCH - The OpenGL driver is BETA only. It is UNSUPPORTED software and has only been tested on the STB Velocity 4400 card, but should work with other Riva TNT video cards. The BETA2 OpenGL driver adds a method to speed up the in-car view when using OpenGL drivers that don't (yet) do a good job of implementing glCopyTexSubImage2D. [Sierra]
CHASSIS PATCH - Here are all the files necessary to replace the "Coventry" and "Murasama" with the proper Cooper and Honda.
AI TWEAKER - This utility can adjust AI strenght. [Kari Ikonen]
GPL REPLAY EDITOR - You can edit replays, make archives 50% smaller and more. [Denis Garese]
TRACK EDITOR - Shareware Track Editor for use with Grand Prix Legends. [Paul Hoad]