This is a short, to the point track guide to accompany my Silverstone Setups with a Ghostlap.
Flat in 7th along Start/Finish. Watch to the right and turn in to Copse earlier than you expect, ease off on the throttle but don't brake and avoid the inner kerb as it will throw you off. Drop to 6th before the apex and apply half throttle and progressively increase as you understeer lightly out to the left kerbing. Don't floor the throttle abruptly mid apex as the car is heavily loaded here.
Flat out toward Maggotts into 7th and take a lot of kerb on the left at entry. Aim for an apex on the right side kerbing and you may want to ease throttle slightly as you kiss the right kerb.
Stay hard right and lift off throttle totally allowing the inertia to slow the car. Don't brake! Drop to 6th then 5th for the left turn entry to Becketts, take a lot of kerb on the left and drop to 4th for the right turn exit. Don't brake! This turn is crucial to a good lap as speed maintained here will be carried down the length of the Hangar Straight. Take a lot of right kerb here and allow the car to push out wider than feels comfortable, powering down progressively in 4th toward the left side kerbs on the exit. You may need to modulate throttle and steering to catch the rear if you put too much power down here.
Flat through the left kink into Hangar Straight.
On a good lap you'll pass under the bridge with low 22s on the clock. You'll reach 195mph keeping hard left before dropping down to 4th whilst turning into Stowe. Turn in late and play with the wheel and throttle to take a late apex on the right side kerbing of Stowe. Power on hard and be prepared to catch the rear as the car pushes right to the exit kerbing. Up to 5th as you touch the left side kerb and flat out down the short Vale Straight screaming in 6th.
Break at or past the middle marker on the right and drop to 2nd for the left kink entry to Club. The car is sorted to handle the kerbs well so take plenty here to maintain momentum into the awkward righthand Club. Counter-intuitively, rev to the redline in 2nd, 3rd and 4th, whilst exiting toward the left side kerb. Apply less steering lock than you expect to need here as the dancing rear will help tighten the line of the car. On a good lap, you'll kiss the left kerbing with 44 seconds on the clock.
You'll be screaming in 6th or just grabbing 7th before the entry to the Abbey left. Brake on or past the middle marker on the right and drop progressively to 3rd as you are turning in. I drop to 4th and begin turn in, dropping to 3rd before the apex. Take a lot of left side kerb and apply low throttle, allow the car to stabilise before flooring it over the right side kerb. The car will want to oversteer out left here. Be prepared and dont take too much kerb on the left side exit as it will unsettle the car into the Bridge right.
Use the strip on the left which extends from the kerbing and you'll be in 5th before entering Bridge.
Short-shift to 6th, keeping right as much as possible to maximise speed into the Priory lefthander. Drop to 3rd whilst turning into Priory taking a lot of left kerb and power up to 4th using the right side kerbing on exit.
Keep wide and drop late into 2nd for the tight Brooklands left. Dont brake too hard as the drop to 2nd gear helps slow the car. Take a lot of kerb and power out hard in 2nd allowing the car to drift to the right side kerbing before the entry to Luffield.
You can take Luffield from a wide entry by sacrificing speed out of Brooklands, or you can floor it from Brooklands and fight the right side kerbing at Luffield. Hold a late apex at Luffield before applying throttle gently. Touch 3rd before the left kerbing on the exit of Luffield and flick up through the gears to hit approx 190mph over the Start/Finish line.